
Spring Birds

On Monday morning, as I took a jog in my local park, I encountered a very interesting scene.

On a fully blossomed kanzakura tree, I heard noisy little birds chirping.
There were many of them on branches - they were Brown-eyed-bulbuls and Japanese_White-eyes.

As I stopped to look, I found birds skillfully cling to branches and inserted their bills into pretty pink flowers to "drink" nectar.
This was my first time to see such acts - must be a nice sweet treat for them.

Brown-eared-bulbul (Hibari)

Japanese White-eye (Mejiro) below

I also heard more Japanese Bush Warblers.

Here I captured their voices by beautiful thicket camellia flowers (but of course, birds could not be seen).

I love spring time!

1 comment:

datadawak said...
